Is it conceivable that the lack of an instruction manual might put a product roll-out at risk? Without speedy assistance it is certainly possible. And one of our technical authors or editors could provide precisely the help you need.
European Union regulations mean that certain technical products may only be marketed if a piece of documentation or at least a concise manual in the national language is enclosed. Technical authors produce the original copy for this kind of documentation. Then we translate the texts into the languages of the intended sales markets. In many cases, good documentation is viewed as a marketing tool that can, if used correctly, enhance brand experience and customer satisfaction.
But let’s say you do not have a viable source text for your technical documentation or instruction manual. In these cases, we can happily provide you with a technical author with precisely the expertise and mother tongue you need.
We are glad to assist you in the production of instruction manuals, data sheets and similar documents. Our technical authors need no more than a briefing, which may consist merely of a suitable collection of documents. Forexample: An importer of technical equipment makes a few modifications to a product. In this case, the original instruction manual would no longer be accurate. Our author will now work with the source copy of the manual in the language of the original manufacturer and the documents concerning the technical modifications made by the importer. Our technical authors are required to produce copy in a translator-friendly writing style.
Translator-friendly writing means that the technical texts are produced to suit the broadest possible scope of uses and media , also that they satisfy, if necessary, specific rules concerning the formulation of headings and captions or that they adhere to corporate wordings. Proceeding in this way allows us to export a larger number of text elements into a TMS (translation memory system) . This alone helps reduce the effort and cost.
Maybe you are looking to address a target group (in a foreign language), but don’t yet have a text? We can help!
Here is the key question: For what purpose do you need the translation? We provide three job levels to accommodate different requirements: Basic, Expert, Premium.
The most important premise in collaborating with IT and IT-driven companies is ‘compatibility’: